Spectromancer merfolk
Spectromancer merfolk

The game also always declares that you the loser in the final battle and docks you a pile of Fame, even if you just curbstomped the Final Boss, though at least you get to see the ending afterwards. Game-Breaking Bug: Mostly averted as the designers normally act to remove these, but in the web release version the card Natural Fury doesn't do damage the way it says it does, and certain golem boosting cards played by Melvin will sometimes crash the game, which can be infuriating given how long you'll have to spend pounding on him to get past his wall of pre-summoned healers and golems and the massive stockpile of HP he'll have by the time they're gone.If the Golem creature is killed, the wizard takes some damage. Empathic Weapon: The Golem Master always has a Golem creature in play, and most of the golem cards are based around bolstering the golem in some way.About half of them do damage to themselves, their own creatures, or their own wizard. Explosive Overclocking: Cult cards tend to be very strong for their cost, but carry some kind of risk or disadvantage.Blood Magic: Vampire Lords drain one health from their own creatures each turn, and use some of their own health to cast vampiric cards, covering an array of very powerful vampires with punishing abilities.Time Master: Time cards bend the normal turn-based rules of the game, giving the player extra turns or actions, or skipping the opponent's turn.Nature Hero: Forest cards (with creative names like Crazy Squirrel, Vindictive Raccoon, and Angry Angry Bear) are powered by the mad hermit's Magic Rabbit, a creature that gains an attack point each turn and is resummoned if killed.Our Goblins Are Different: Goblin cards are not incredibly strong by themselves, but have unusual and somewhat unpredictable abilities, such as removing an opponent's card from their repertoire, or jumping between battlefield slots at random.While alive, the beast then has an activated ability, such as a basilisk's gaze or a dragon's firebreath.

spectromancer merfolk

The Beastmaster: Beast cards are unique in that only one of each type may be on the field at a time.Badass Bookworm: Sorcery cards do not contain a single creature to summon, but the spells cover a wide array of offensive, defensive, and supportive needs.The Legions of Hell: Demonic cards fall into two categories: dealing massive damage to enemy creatures (sometimes with actual correlation with fire magic), or summoning demon creatures that are replaced by another demon creature when killed.Master of Illusion: Illusion cards tend to use the opponent's own creatures against them, such as by causing enemy creatures to damage themselves or their own wizard.Each card has a random factor, and tend to be at their most powerful when the randomness is irrelevant (such as giving a spell that targets a random opposing creature only one creature to choose from). Entropy and Chaos Magic: Chaos cards are very powerful, but unreliable.Anti-Magic: Control cards deny the opponent their resources by draining energy or disrupting creatures.

spectromancer merfolk

  • Magitek: Mechanical cards include a couple dwarves, a very hard-to-kill steel golem, and five cards devoted to shooting some kind of cannon at the enemy creatures for either burst or steady damage.
  • Necromancer: With a splash of Black Magic, death cards are fueled by the deaths of creatures - sometimes not discriminating as to whether those creatures are your own or your opponent's.
  • Light 'em Up: Shared between holy and spirit wizard types, with the former being more defensive, and the latter being more offensive - with some identical or near-identical cards besides.
  • And when stalling is no longer necessary, it can launch a game-ending attack directly on the enemy player, or a Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies on all creatures.
  • Stone Wall: Earth cards tend to be defensive in nature, with healing spells, regenerating creatures, and all-around more health than average.
  • Shock and Awe: Where fire magic is about inflicting indiscriminate damage, air cards tend to target singular creatures or the enemy player for massive damage, although there are a few support-type creatures that heal or stall for time.
  • The most expensive water cards are some of the most fragile, but can single-handedly win games by staying alive for just a few turns.
  • The Medic: Water cards are generally based around supporting other elements, defending, and stalling for time.
  • Kill It with Fire: Nearly all fire cards are either capable of inflicting immediate damage or enhancing future damage, and has rather Glass Cannon like creatures in general.

  • Spectromancer merfolk